It’s my first time, what do I need to know?!
- Plan to arrive 10 minutes before class starts. Note that new clients are not allowed in once class has started. No late entry will be accepted for FLEX IR classes.
- Grippy socks are required on our machines for your safety and hygiene. Bring your own or purchase in the studio.
I’m running late!
- First time clients may not enter a class once it has begun.
- Returning clients may not enter FlexFormer classes after 5 minutes into the class starting.
- There is no late entry to Flex IR classes.
- Reservations must be cancelled at least 12 hours in advance in order to avoid a late cancel or no-show fee.
- Late cancel is considered anything after the 12 hour window.
- No show is when you do not let us know prior to the 12 hours before class starts or just don’t show up.
- Penalties for Class Packages: When late canceling, you will be charged a $20 late cancel fee, but you will get your class back, If you no show, you lose the class credit.
- Penalties for Unlimited Options: When late canceling, you will be charged a $25 late cancel fee.
Policy updated June 2021